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- ;$VER: Miami Control Installer 1.9 (10.10.98) Copyright © Thomas Hurst 1998
- Ask "Are you sure you wish to Install Miami Control?*nNo Files will be overwritten. Y/N"
- If warn
- Echo "*nChecking for installation..."
- If Not exists S:miamicontrol.rexx
- Echo "Not found, installing..."
- Echo "*nChecking for required files... " NOLINE
- set probs 0
- If exists Miami:Miami
- Version >NIL: Miami:Miami VERSION 3
- If warn
- Ask "Miami other than version 3 detected!*nMiamiControl may not function correctly. Continue? Y/N"
- If not warn
- Echo "Quitting. No changes to your system have been made"
- Wait 3
- Quit 0
- Endif
- Endif
- Else
- Ask "WARNING!*NMiami not detected! Continue anyway? Y/N"
- If not warn
- Echo "Quitting. No changes to your system have been made"
- Wait 3
- Quit 0
- Endif
- Endif
- If not exists c:requeststring
- Echo "*nRequestString not found in path! Installing..." NOLINE
- Copy files/RequestString c:
- Echo "Done!"
- Else
- Echo "RequestString detected!*nChecking version...*n"
- Echo "Your version: `Version c:requeststring`"
- Echo "Recommended version: `Version files/RequestString`"
- Echo " "
- Echo "If the above lines differ you may need to install the included version of RequestString.*n*nSetCosts may not function correctly without it!"
- Ask "Install recommended version (Old one will be backed up)? y/n"
- If warn
- rename c:RequestString C:RequestString.bak
- Copy files/RequestString c:
- Endif
- Endif
- if not exists libs:rexxsupport.library
- Echo "Library missing!*nInstalling rexxsupport.library..."
- copy libs/rexxsupport.library libs:
- endif
- if not exists libs:rexxreqtools.library
- set probs 1
- Echo "Library missing!*nInstalling rexxreqtools.library..."
- copy libs/rexxreqtools.library libs:
- endif
- if $probs eq 0
- Echo "All files found!*n"
- else
- Echo "Not all files found!*n"
- endif
- Echo "Checking ARexx port... " NOLINE
- Set RC 0
- Rx rexxtest.rexx >NIL:
- If $RC EQ 5
- Set probs 1
- Ask "Not found!*nARexx does not appear to be operating!*nMiami Control absolutely needs ARexx to function.*nContinue? Y/N"
- If NOT Warn
- Echo "Quitting..."
- Wait 3
- Quit 0
- Endif
- Else
- Echo "Port is active!"
- Endif
- If $probs EQ 1
- Echo "*nSome problems have been detected. Miami Control may not function properly."
- Else
- Echo "*nSystem requirements have been passed!"
- Endif
- Echo "*nInstalling...*n"
- Echo "Copying miamicontrol.rexx to S:miamicontrol.rexx"
- Copy files/miamicontrol.rexx S:miamicontrol.rexx
- if exists s:phonelog.log
- Echo "*e[7mWarning! Logfile detected!*nIf you are upgrading from a previous version of Miami Control, you MUST rename it!*e[0m"
- Ask "Are you upgrading from a previous version of Miami Control? (Y/N)"
- if warn
- If not exists S:Phonelog.log.old
- Echo "Backing up s:Phonelog.log to s:Phonelog.log.old..." NOLINE
- rename s:Phonelog.log s:Phonelog.log.old >NIL
- if not warn
- Echo "Done!"
- else
- Echo "Error!*Please rename it manually!!!!!"
- endif
- endif
- endif
- endif
- Echo "*n*nMiami Control has been installed."
- Echo "Running this script again will remove it."
- Echo "*n*e[7mYou should now run SetCosts and set your call charges.*e[0m"
- Echo "*nThis window will self destruct in 5 seconds..."
- Wait 5
- Quit 0
- Else
- Ask "Previous installation detected. Uninstall Miami Control? Y/N"
- If Warn
- Delete S:miamicontrol.rexx
- Echo "Uninstall complete!"
- Quit 0
- Else
- Echo "Quitting"
- Wait 1
- Quit 0
- Endif
- Endif
- Else
- Echo "Quitting..."
- Endif